The base software of the Stinger Tug has the primary purpose of enabling easy interaction with the robot in a manner similar to Turtlebots and other introductory robotic vehicles. The robotics middleware will be ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco, the latest release LTS release of ROS 2.

Software Architecture

The primary Stinger software will be simple with only a custom bringup, description, and autonomy package. The majority of code written by users will be in the stinger_autonomy package.


The stinger_bringup package is a minimal Python ROS package containing mostly default config files, launch scripts, and declaring package dependencies for basic functions.


The stinger_description package is a ROS package containing the files describing the physical parameters of the robot.


The stinger_autonomy package is a ROS package containing the scaffold code for implementing basic autonomy functions in the vehicle. Programs to implement will include:


Slamtec RPLIDAR C1

Driver exists, needs to be built from source: