Altium is a commercial EDA in use by many companies in industry. Altium also generously sponsors the team. There are many features that make Altium worthwhile (such as reusable blocks) and having experience in Altium is valuable for finding work.
Eagle is a formerly freely available commercial EDA. It is now bundled with Fusion360 subscriptions.
KiCad is the dominant free and open source EDA software available. This EDA is used as our open-source hardware EDA and also for use by MacOS users.
LibrePCB is a free and open source EDA software that improves on the library management experience as opposed to previous approaches. Multi-user collaboration with Git is also more feasible on LibrePCB. A large limitation in preventing adoption by our team currently is largely the lack of hierarchical sheets.
HorizonEDA is a free and open source EDA software that improves on the library management experience as opposed to previous approaches. It also makes arguable improvements on UI/UX. However, it does not support MacOS. This is currently the main issue preventing us from using this as one of our primary EDA suites.
CuFlow is a Python library built around the idea of creating a PCB by parameterizing it with Python code.