Meeting start: 5:02 pm
- Recruiting
- VIP Presentations
- 60 new members to try to recruit
- Mention the stinger tub/training course
- Training course could be an option but not required for VIP - avoid down time waiting for ORG fair
- Getting onto the mailing list for various schools
- Aaron typed up a basic draft: post in Board group chat
- Host a general members meeting earlier for welcoming new people and refreshing team projects: tentative date: Thursday Jan 23rd 5 pm
- Separate from new members meeting
- New members meeting can focus more on the stinger tug
- Present generalities now, specific after training course
- Set up some posters and give presentations in classes
- Women in Electrical Engineering
- Ask about what their attendance is
- Event would be preferred; newsletter ok
- Advertising the new members meeting and water testing: Thursday 1/23 5 pm
- Do an add at the beginning or end of one of their events
- Training start week: 1st or 2nd week of February
- Consult Thomas about if we can move the date up
- Tentative date: Wednesday Feb 5th
- Tuesday/Thursday training sessions, 6 pm ****
- HIVE workshop meeting
- 9:30 tomorrow 1/15
- Need to supply boards? Ask about what would be required
- Ask about 2nd and 3rd week of February
- 1-3 sessions: decide based off VIP recruitment yield
- Social event planning
- 1st event weekend after this
- Tentative date: Sunday Jan 26th
- Post out once we finalize a room
- Bi-weekly events
- MRG goes to GT night at the Aquarium
- Comments on Finance from Ryan
- Pretty good bill turnaround from Sub Bill 1: comments and feedback?
- Shawn has goal to push for bill submits more quickly
- Run bill past Mitchell before submitting
- Projected future bills
- 12k left to spend: review end of February
- Prioritize larger ticket items
- Have backup parts
- Ideal to have purchase deadlines inform the timeline for design reviews
- Sponsorships
- Everyone on board should have two companies to reach out to
- TotalBoat, Yamaha
- Backup time for operations on Tuesdays at 5
Meeting end: 5:50 pm