Meeting start: 5:03 pm
- Training slides to update
- Team leads to add updated contact information
- Meet in CODE
- Mitchell to cover training information, MT, and general overview
- Shawn to cover Sub
- Aaron or Sean to cover RobotX
- Email sent to all interested new members
- Reminder to fill out interest form if a new member hasn't already
- $40 dues to be sent to Ryan
- Due by February 7th
- After received, sent out form for shirt size, etc
- Wear a team shirt if you are presenting
- Will and Erin to guide people to the CODE
- Have something at the end of each project to introduce returning members
- Training times
- Tuesday-Thursday 6-7
- Code or cove - confit m with thomas
- First day of training will be February 4th
- Intro and Lab Safety will be combined for this first presentation
- 30 minutes plus a tour
- New poster
- One to go up on screen in student center
- General body meeting will replace new members meeting
- Training has been moved up by one week
- Record this meeting to
- Hive workshop Feb 12th and 19th
- College specific emails
- Erin sent ECE
- Waiting on Santi and Matthew
- Social event
- Thomas may have a way to open the CODE for MRG movie night
- Sunday night movie
- CODE may not work; use Lab and make it more comfortable
- Will has a car and a card to go to Costco
- Pizza, chips, soft drinks
- Bowling on February 9th
- Social events every two weeks
- Org fair next Thursday 11 am - 1 pm
- Shawn and Mitchell can cover the table
- We have a poster from last semester
- Erin can reprint poster, Aaron has file
- There are extra stickers in the office that can be used
- New bill for January 1/22
- Send anything to Shawn before tomorrow night
- Fill out ops LettuceMeet for potential revised meeting time
Meeting end: 5:32 pm