Operations Weekly Minutes
- How do we get sponsorship meetings rolling?
- getting people consistently talking to sponsors
- setup a structure to keep consistent contact with sponsosr
- meeting can be like less than 30 minutes and virtual if needed
- How do we build up raw materials/tooling so people can prototype and build without having to wait forever?
- GVU can supply a lot of the tools we need
- another option is just to have enough liquid funds to purchase things quickly
- applying for grants
- a bunch of materials need to be put on a first bill
- Get bill submission going
- for training and bulding robotx
- Setup training for this semester
- mentors?
- build days?
- shawn mentioned that in his message
- build up electrical and mech training to level of software training
- ASDL class
- Communication to new members about meetings and such
- email list
- teams?
- outlook calendar meetings?
Week of 8/1/2024
Name |
Stuff done this past week |
Goals for next week |
Aaron |
- talk to milwaukee |
- bother yamaha
- electrical training
- break the stuff that needs to be done into specific tasks | | |
| Mitchell | | - Send spnsorship message to Delta
- Microtransat Notion
- Organize board Meeting
- Prepare for Week of Welcome
- Setup email | | |
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Sponsorship Tracker
Operations Task List