Meeting start 4:02
- New leadership
- Mitchell - RoboSub Software Lead and Chief Software Lead
- Carson and Sean - MicroTransat Lead
- Erin - President
- Nick - Electrical Technical Lead
- adjustments made to maintain human capital
- John - RoboSub Lead
- Open positions
- Treasurer
- Coordinating reimbursements
- 2-4 times going to the accountant
- Excel skills
- Managing spreadsheets
- Collecting Dues
- Make flyers and post in IC and Scheller for Treasurer recruiting
- RobotX Lead
- Overall team meeting needs to be announced - Announcement made by Sean in Teams
- GRA versus undergrad leadership
- Review of overall club leadership with Sean Fish
- Goal to have more people involved in Operations
- describe some roles
- dedicated sponsorship role
- dedicated social planner/team outreach lead
- New roles will need to go to finance training
- Division of Roles between President and Ops
- Review of Sean’s MRG Standard Operations Procedures
- Elections will take place in March
- make an announcement to announce roles: Will will do this
- Election as an all-team meeting in Code or Cove the week before spring break
- 6:15 pm 3/13/24 All-Hands Elections Meeting
- Sean will show Will “the ropes” for T-shirt ordering
- Roster
- Needs updates for dues status and safety training status
- Team leads and officers have room access
- New officers should request