All-team weekly meeting: Saturdays from 3-4pm
Mechanical weekly meeting: Saturdays from 4-4:30pm
Software weekly meeting: Saturdays from 4:30-5pm
Electrical weekly meeting: Mondays from 7-7:30pm
Weekly Water Test times: Not finalized, but most likely Fridays 2-6pm
Weekly Dry Test times: Thursdays from 5-7pm (duration will vary)
Go over tasks and mechanisms to accomplish them
Create monthly plan
1. Buoyancy is wrong: slightly too positive, too back-heavy/front-light.
a. Should be rebalanced, especially after adding battery tubes
2. DVL / localization failure
a. Possible grate interference (grate underwater may not bounce back signals properly
b. Issue temporarily reset by cupping a hand under DVL
3. Stick drift (or other unknown control issue)
a. Caused extreme turning when being remote controlled
b. Potentially a software error, but most likely a controller hardware issue
i. Problem: without people in the water, it is hard to stop the sub
Go over shadowing program
Go over RoboSub bill 1