- Suggestions from team members about how to improve, what went well last semester, what didn’t
- Slack as primary communication platform
- Teams will remain primarily for file sharing and meetings
- Feedback needed: independent channels for different subteams (RoboSub Mechanical, etc.), different roles, alternatives?)
- Weekly water test times
- Weekly meeting times
- Moved to after water tests
- Notion for all documentation, to be formalized and ported to the website
- Increased documentation: weekly meeting minutes, water test notes → weekly blog posts
- Think about narrated progress videos for sponsors and documentation
- Purchasing/Operations will be tighter integrated with team
- New Task Organization board
- Changes include:
- Proper schedule visualization, slot for progress updates, areas for additional notes
- Design review process
- Less formal than rest of team, must occur prior to purchase or manufacturing
- Tag available in Task Board, will be checked daily
- Overview of primary areas of sub lecture series (starting next week, one for mechanical, electrical, software)
- To be converted to write-ups on Tech Triton, reference Bumblebee’s AUV documentation
- Looking for replacements for graduating members
- Shadowing for rookies as introduction
- Includes coming to the lab at the same time, following along with the work, eventually tasks should be able to be split 50-50
- Introduction of team social activities (i.e. aquarium trip, movie night + pizza, ideas welcome, etc.)