Subsea Light Control
- Erin finished testing circuit
- Next week tasks:
- Connect relay input pin to teensy to allow for control
Jetson Buck/boost Converter Fix
- Option 1: Fix current buck/boost converter
- If we hold the on off button it should fix the buck converter from not outputting voltage upon power up
- option 2: Different buck converter
- For either option we should desolder the screw terminals and solder power wires onto board using strain relief
- we bough a bunch of strain relief clips last semester
- Next week tasks:
- Try getting the existing buck/boost converter in the sub to output voltage on power up
- Re-terminate input and output to buck/boost convert
Battery Tubes
Confirmed that batteries work to power sub
Need to test drain over time
We should implement some way of balancing the cells while inside the tube
- In the current configuration we will need to take batteries out of
- Option 1: parellel charge the batteries each time we are done
- Option 2: implememnt BMS IC to constantly balance and monitor batteries
Confirmed layout
Next week tasks:
- source necessary connecotrs to convert from balance lead from the battery to water proof connector and back to balance lead